Family-Financial Fitness Training Program
Your first step to achieving your family's financial fitness goals!
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(Includes both the Family Financial-Fitness BootCamp and the Educational Portion of the Family Financial Fitness Program called the Family Financial-Fitness Course.)
Family Financial-Fitness BootCamp
Does money stress you out?
Don't see eye-to-eye financially with your spouse?
Have trouble setting and accomplishing your financial goals together?
You are not alone! The majority of families in America are living on the edge of their income, or they are going into debt each month just to stay afloat!
After 13 years of experience and research, I have discovered that the secret to being stress-free psychologically, having harmony in your marriage, and being financially fit, is through properly setting and achieving goals that are based on your values and beliefs. So, I have created the Family Financial Fitness BootCamp!
The Family Financial Fitness BootCamp is the foundation to the Family Financial Fitness Training Program and has a 3-Step Process to helping couples set and achieve goals together!
This 3 Hour Video Training Program teaches couples:
Step 1: How to create Individual Goals.
Step 2: How to create Shared Relational Goals.
Step 3: How to create Shared Financial Goals.
Step 1: How to create Individual Goals.
Most people set goals completely wrong or not at all. Some people set resolutions, which are nothing more than good ideas and then wonder why they rarely achieve their goals. Others set goals that are unrealistic and get started only to fail. While others set goals based on values that they do not personally hold and, therefore, create added cognitive dissonance and stress in their life. Regardless of how most people fail in setting and achieving their goals.
In Step 1, we will help individuals learn the right way to set goals that are based on their values and beliefs and in a realistic manner for the best outcome. It is amazing how simple this is and most clients rave about this foundational step!
Step 2: How to create Shared Relational Goals.
As we have established, most people do not set or achieve their individual goals. Combined this process with two people and it's no wonder that most clients I talk to have never even attempted to set relationship goals with their spouse.
In addition, many couples struggle with communicating about sensitive topics and serious issues. Communication is at the top of the list when it comes to reasons why couples end up in therapy.
In Step 2, we will help you to learn what is at the core of your relationship and then how to build a goal that represents both spouses and helps to build the relationship! This is key to doing before setting financial goals because the relationship is the reason that couples share finances in the first place!
Step 3: How to create Shared Financial Goals.
Financial planners often struggle to help couples set financial goals because individuals may have difficulty setting individual and relationship goals for reasons already mentioned.
However, once individuals have a clearer direction of their goals and couples are aligning their shared goals, financial goals are simple to both make and achieve!
Research has proven that when couples share the same meaning and goals in life they last longer are happier and they are better off financial than couples who are not aligned!
In Step 3, we will teach you to have to use your individual and relational goals to create sound short- and long-term financial goals!
This is Step #1 for Financial Professionals who are interested in qualifying for any level of partnership with the Family Financial Institute.
Family Financial-Fitness Course
Step #1 is to complete the pre-requisite classes in Time Management. This will help couples to better manage individual and couple time and be ready to make the necessary improvements in the 3 Areas of Finance.
Pre-Requisite Time Management Courses
- Class #1-How to Prioritize and organize your time according to your values and goals!
- Class #2-How to create your Ideal Calendar and be more effective with your time!
Step #2 Once you have finished the Foundational Time Management Classes, you are ready to start the classes for all 3 Financial Areas.
The Psychological, Relational, and External classes should be completed in chronological order and by setting 30-60minutes to finish each class. Worksheets and other specific information are included in each class.
Be ready by having the worksheets printed out and an open mind to learn new applicable concepts!
- Class #1-Understanding Money Scripts and how yours may be hurting your finances.
- Class #2-How to Improve Your Money Scripts for a prosperous Shared Money Future.
- Class #1-How to Communicate about finances using the 4 Rules of Money.
- Class #2-Using Money Time to solve Money Differences, create a Spending Plan, and prepare for the future.
- Class #1-Learn the 6 Family Financial Rules to help your family become financial fit.
- Class #2-Using Money Tracking to P.R.E.Pair for Family Financial Planning.
Get started today and begin learning how to achieve your Individual, Relationship, and Financial Goals today through the Family Financial Fitness Course!
Your Instructor
Travis’ 13 years of experience in the world of financial planning, coaching, counseling, and training has given him a holistic understanding of the financial world. He completed his undergraduate at Brigham Young University in Sociology, Masters Degree in Psychology from University of Phoenix, and Ph.D. in Family Relations at Utah State University. Being cross-trained in finance, psychology, and family relations allows Travis to help families make lasting behavioral chances to improve their family's finances.
Course Curriculum
Courses Included with Purchase